We're a young family learning, growing and changing rapidly...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas and Happy Birthday

Hollis' merry-go-round cake

I'm so happy to be one!

Hmmmmmm, this tastes pretty good.....

Am I really supposed to be eating this?!

Merry Christmas! 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Hollis Design

I've started a little side business selling t-shirts and onesies. I love making them, and they make great gifts for others or your own kids! 

Botanical Gardens

My nana and I went to the Botanical Gardens in Bellevue last week. It was really fun, and beautiful. There were so many lights. It's definitely a must see. It's free, but I think you have to pay $5 for parking. Hollis liked it too. She was pretty quiet looking at all the lights. It was cute. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We went to the big island with the Mitchell-side of the family over Thanksgiving. It was so much fun. Hollis LOOOOOOVES swimming, and she was so good traveling, playing, and being flexible. She truly is a joy, and I love being her mom.