We're a young family learning, growing and changing rapidly...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I love taking pictures of Hollis doing what she loves to do: play. The problem is she moves so much and is so busy all of the pictures are blurry, there are toys or her arm in her face or she's not looking at the camera. Here are a few cute ones.

Trying on mom's shoes...notice one shoe is facing backwards.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

I don't care that Valentine's Day is "a Hallmark holiday"--my mom used to (and still does) make Valentine's Day very special. I took on the duty of making it special this year for my friends and family. Hollis got some cute small gifts: a book, some socks and a balloon along with some very special Valentine's from friends and family. It was a fun day!